
Ltd. "Krasnyansky JV" Agromash "exhibition Agro - 2015

Ltd. "Krasnyansky JV" Agromash "exhibition Agro - 2015

June 3-6 m. Kyiv National Exhibition Center "Expocenter of Ukraine" (street Glushkov, 1), held XXVI International Agricultural Exhibition "Agro-2015".

Ltd. "Krasnyansky JV" Agromash "- producer of agricultural tillage machines constant participant of exhibitions" Agro ", traditionally presents a wide Exhibition as new developments and modernized techniques. This year, the stand of the enterprise will be presented following the new machine design:

Harrow disk heavy hook BDVP-4,2-02;

Dykochyzelnyy unit BDVP-4,2-01 with a set of equipment for making liquid fertilizers and Biodestructors stubble;
The unit band tillage ASOH - 8;
Harrow disk hinged super heavy BDN - 2.5 SV.
Also upgraded and improved machine:

K-4.3 cultivator
K-9.3 cultivator
Dyskopak D-8
Harrow disk heavy hook-BDVP 6.3;
Used light trailers BDLP-8.0;
The combined aggregate pre-preparation of soil AK-6;
Hydroficated coupling G-16;
Chyzel hlybokorozpushuvach CHH - 40.

We invite you to visit our exhibition stand acquainted with the present technology, get expert advice from specialists and choose the necessary equipment.

Our stand is located at the pavilion number 9.

Do not miss the opportunity.

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